Keloid Treatment


  • Time required is around 40- 45 min in clinic.
  • Procedure: first we will apply the numbing cream over keloid (keloid treatment pune) and it will take 30 minutes to numb the keloid.
  • Then we sterile the area and do the actual procedure.
  • How it works?:it decrease collagen synthesis and inhance collagen breakdown in keloids.
  • After procedure: there may be atrophy, bruising, hyper or hypopigmentation will be there.
  • Session: 5-6 session depend up on condition.
  • Duration b/w two session: 1 month
  • What to expect?: after multiple session gradually keloid will be soft and growth retardation of keloid will be there.


  • Time required is around 40- 45 min in clinic.
  • Procedure: first we will apply the numbing cream over keloid (keloid treatment pune) and it will take 30 minutes to numb the keloid.
  • Then we sterile the area and do the actual procedure.
  • How it works?: it contains liquid nitrogen which freeze the keloid tissue. It cause necrosis and flattening of keloid tissue.
  • After procedure: mild pain, blister , hypoesthesia and hypopigmentation can occur.
  • Session: 5-6 session depend up on condition.
  • Duration b/w two session: 1 month.
  • What to expect?: gradually size of keloid decrease after multiple session.


  • Time required is around 40-45 min in clinic.
  • Procedure: first we will apply numbing cream over keloid (keloid treatment pune) and it will take 30 minutes to numb the keloid.
  • Then we strile the area and do the actual procedure.
  • How it works: it inhibit the dna synthesis of keloid tissue and cause overall groth retardation.
  • After procedure:mild pain, hyperpigmentation, burning sensation will be there.
  • Session: 8- 10 depneding up on condition.
  • Duration b/w two session: Initially 2-3 times weekly then decrease to monthly intervals.
  • What to expect?: after multiple session gradually size of keloid decrease.